The non-prep and minimal-prep veneers (shells) is a revolutionary dental treatment with a high level of tooth preservation. Teeth can therefore be modeled with restorative materials that require very little or no tooth preparation, with a highly aesthetic and biocompatible result.
This technique is a good option and can be applied in selectively selected cases where teeth require minimal aesthetic / cosmetic rehabilitation.
The veneer blends in colour with the natural tooth. Gingival health is as-well an important factor.
Correcting unsightly teeth and / or a tooth position and this without or minimally sacrificing tooth substance or wearing a fixed brace is a frequently expressed wish of numerous patients.
Through a detailed dental examination, together with the dental technician, it is decided whether the patient is a candidate for treatment with this method.
No / little loss of dental hard tissue
No preparation / minimal preparation of tooth structure
No temporary restorations needed
Only approx. 0.3 mm thin
Too thin for discolouration or dark tooth-colour coverage
Dental misalignments cannot be corrected in the same extent as with veneers or crowns
Suitable cases for non-prep and minimal-prep veneers:
Chipped or brittle teeth
Worn teeth
Very slightly discoloured or stained teeth
Small teeth
Gap / spaces (diastema) between the front teeth
Prior to the treatment of veneers, non-prep and minimal-prep veneers, it is recommended to make impressions and situational cast models in order to have a first estimation of the case, to then create a wax-up (simulation) and a mock-up based on the individual situation in order to visualize the impact of the procedure prior the treatment.
Taking the best care for your dental restorations will help you preserve your new smile for years to come.
Highly abrasive toothpastes can scratch the surface of the veneers and dull its shine. Therefore, non-abrasive fluoride toothpastes are recommended.
Dental flossing is a key factor in removing debris and plaque from interdental spaces – important since impeccable gum tissue health is very important and helps prevent tooth decay.
Avoid biting and / or chewing hard objects such as pens, staples, metal, bottle caps etc.
If you grind your teeth (bruxism) and were fitted with a night guard (Michigan splint) to prevent damage to your teeth and restorations, wear it, PLEASE.